Application for leave of absence

Table of Contents
application for leave of absence | leave of absence application | leave of absence | leave of absence application for class 6 | leave of absence application for office | application for leave of absence in office | prayer for leave of absence | an application for leave of absence | application leave of absence | application for leave of absence in school

● Suppose, you are Yasin, a student of Class VI. You were absent from school for illness. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school for leave of absence.

14 June, 2022
The Headmaster,
Daulatpur High School,
Baniachong, Habigonj.

Subject : Application for leave of absence.

With due respect, I beg to state that I am a student of Class VI of your school. I could not attend school from 11.06.2022. to 13.06.2022. on account of fever. A medical certificate is attached herewith for your kind consideration.
I therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly grant me leave of absence for those days only and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,
Md Tawhidul Islam
Class: VI. Section: A,
Roll No: 03.